Know about Biofat longevity

In the world of beauty, Biofat is a new and advanced method of fat injection that provides more natural and lasting results using modern technologies. In this method, fat is harvested from the patient’s own body and, after careful processing, is injected into the required areas. Fat injection is one of the popular methods in cosmetic surgery that is used to improve the appearance and rejuvenate the skin.

The permanent Biofat method is the safest method among all methods for solving skin problems, which is without the side effects of fat injection. Because as you have seen, while it has very significant advantages, there are no disadvantages to it. Also, another advantage that distinguishes it from other methods is the unique devices that do this. So in general, it must be said that this method is safe.

Fat injection results

This method is without burning. It does not leave scars. It is permanent and does not have pain or inflammation. Also, the permanent Biofat method is suitable for everyone and is a modern method. In this method, the device is used instead of hands. It has different applications and the treatment period is short. It does not cause complications and is not accompanied by skin problems.

Biofat longevity

Biofat longevity is very important because if this durability decreases, you will have to do the fat injection again after a short period, considering that this operation, in addition to the time you have to do it, will also cost you money. As you know, one of the most important advantages of Biofat fat injection into the body is its long durability. Fat injection with high durability is comparable to other methods. Also, as you know, the longevity of fat injection is not the same for everyone and is different for different people and depends on many factors.

What factors does the Biofat longevity depend on?

Now we will explain factors that will affect Biofat longevity. As you know, according to research, about 30 to 70 percent of the fat injected into the body is absorbed within a year, and that is why doctors usually do more than you need during fat injection to show you satisfactory results after absorption. The amount of fat absorption depends on the body’s ability to absorb fat. Given that the structure and metabolism of different people’s bodies are different from each other; therefore, the result of fat injection and its durability may not be the same.

Many people who are trying to inject fat into various parts of their bodies believe that this permanent method is better, while they do nothing to maintain their ideal body condition. This is a false belief because bodybuilding is needed for this method to last.

The negative effect of weight loss on Biofat longevity

Weight loss can also increase the rate of fat absorption. That is why the doctor recommends that if you want to do a diet or exercise to lose weight, do it before the operation. Also, if you have a specific disease that has caused you to lose weight, you are advised to consult the relevant doctor before undergoing Biofat fat injection treatment. Nutrition plays a very effective role in performing any operation. The same is true for Biofat, and proper nutrition has a great impact on its durability. For fat injection without side effects, it is also better to use appropriate foods rich in fruits and vegetables. If the right food does not reach your body and the blood sugar you need is not provided, the body will react to its defense systems against lack of energy by burning its cells, which include fats, to provide the sugar needed for your brain activity.

The effect of aging

Biofat longevity is inversely related to aging! Given that some fats in different body tissues are lost during aging, injected fats are no exception to this rule. Therefore, some cases of fat absorption cannot be prevented. In different people’s bodies, even despite observing all the above, it can be affected by genetic or environmental factors; therefore, in general, it can be said that fat injection using the Biofat method lasts for several years and is subject to various factors.

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The most important factors for Biofat longevity

Biofat longevity depends on the applicant’s conditions such as age, gender, history of specific diseases, genetics, environmental conditions, climate, etc., and also considering that today there are various centers for performing fat injections and many doctors specialize in this field. Therefore, the choice of location or place for fat injection and the doctor are also effective in the durability of Biofat fat injection. Also, the number of sessions you visit the clinic for fat injection is a very effective factor in its durability. Besides, considering that the amount of daily exercise or walking as well as physical activities varies from person to person; therefore, this factor is also effective in the durability of Biofat fat injection in the body.
