What is fat injection by BIOFAT under the eyes?
As you know, today’s a person’s beauty is the most basic and important thing for a person, and therefore this matter is more important in women. Many people may have smooth and young skin, but because of the dimples do not feel satisfied with their beauty under the eyes, so they are looking for beautification methods to eliminate hollows or other skin problems, so here we want to introduce you to one of the methods of rejuvenation under the eyes, which today’s as It is the most valid and best known method, has a very special popularity among people. This method is injecting fat under the eyes by BIOFAT. Therefore, considering all the above mentioned about the reason for the need to inject BIOFAT fat under the eyes, the question may arise for you that;
When do people need to inject fat for under the eyes by BIOFAT?
In other words, what are the factors that make people choose this method and what has been recognized as the best method?
As you know, the problem of under eye hollows is the most common problem among people today, especially women, so you may wonder what causes dimples that you need to inject fat under the eyes by BIOFAT?
In answer to this question, it can be said that the causes of dimples are often congenital and of genetic origin, but other factors such as trauma, disease or surgery also cause dimples, which is why people do not feel satisfaction in their face. On the other hand, the small and large tissues around the eyes are greatly affected by the environment, or in other words, it is very sensitive and reflects the physiological changes related to general health, hydration, metabolism and hormonal status, which are more common in women. One of the most important factors that causes hollows is stress and lack of sleep, or in other words, if you have not enough and irregular sleep results in dimples under the eyes and it endangers the health of your skin.
Because it causes your body to not get some of the vitamins and essential substances that are needed for the body.
Therefore, considering all the above mentioned about the reason for the need to inject BIOFAT fat under the eyes, the question may arise for you that;
Ideal candidates for injecting fat under the eyes
How is fat injection by BIOFAT performed?
So read this article;
Due to the fact that many people choose the method of injecting fat under the eyes by BIOFA for their beauty and rejuvenation, but in general, suitable candidates for injecting fat by BIOFAT under the eyes are people who have lost their volume under their eyes or lower eyelid or people who need pre-orbital rejuvenation in cases where they choose this method to prevent volume reduction.
In general, it can be said about the candidate of BIOFAT fat injection method under the eyes, considering that in this method, treatment with autologous fat cells, which is the patients’ own fat, is used, thus preventing atrophy-related aging and reducing the volume in the area around the eyeball is very effective, and on the other hand, by maintaining the natural lines of youthful face, it reduces the possibility of age-related changes, which will rejuvenate you and make your face look natural. Given all the above mentioned about candidates for fat injections under the eyes It should be noted that;
Can anyone get fat injection under the eyes or is there any limitation?
In answer to this question, it can be said that this method is suitable for both men and women of all ages, but before doing this method, people who want to inject fat under the eyes by BIOFAT should be in a good physical health and also, if there are people who do not have enough time for pre- and post-operative care, they can choose this method because it is done without bruising and without pain and recovery.
In general, it can be said that in cases where the injection of fat under the eyes by BIOFAT may be difficult but there are people who have had problems with uncontrolled blood clotting and high blood pressure, or have had silicone injections in the past and previous surgery. They may not be candidates for this method.
Therefore, considering that the method of injecting BIOFAT fat under the eyes, like other methods of rejuvenation, you should take the necessary care, which includes the following:
Recuperation and Healing
All the people who have got fat injection under the eyes by BIOFAT should avoid from doing heavy work and exercises for two weeks, and should also apply a cold compress to prevent swelling and bruising under the eyes, because cold compresses or frozen gel prevents these two complications.
On the other hand, when you do the BIOFAT fat injection procedure under the eyes, should not go to the bathroom for two days, and after going, you should avoid massaging and squeezing the treated parts.
In general, it can be said that by considering all the above points, you can avoid any complication that may occur after performing this method of fat injection under the eyes by BIOFAT, and when you choose this cosmetic procedure for yourself by considering all aspects and choosing the best doctor, you can bring the best satisfaction for yourself.