Injecting Facial Fat By BIOFAT

Injecting Facial Fat By BIOFAT


What is fat injection BIOFAT and how is it done?

It is one of the most common and best cosmetic surgeries available in beauty clinics, which is performed by professional doctors, and due to its very high benefits, it has been able to attract a very good rank compared to other cosmetic surgeries.


This cosmetic procedure, due to its very high capabilities, has been used to solve many problems. For example, it can be said that one of the most common problems that can be eliminated by fat injection BIOFAT is:

  • Removing facial wrinkles
  • Or aging in any part of the body in order to rejuvenate some parts of the body



The benefits of fat injection BIOFAT


  • It’s done quickly
  • Painless
  • No inflammation and burning
  • Using of advanced devices
  • No need for surgery
  • Without the use of anesthesia
  • Early results
  • Becoming more beautiful
  • Normal postoperative results

As you can see, BIOFAT fat injection is an exceptional procedure and has many advantages. On the other hand, it should be added that no side effects have been found for this extremely advanced operation so far, and all the benefits have been mentioned for it.

How is fat injection done?


Before we want to explain what the steps of performing BIOFAT fat injection are, it is better to point out that, because science and technology have advanced, today’s everything is done by machine, therefore, they use extremely advanced devices to do things, especially in the field of beauty, and this causes the result of the work to being desirable and to occur without any errors.

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So the reason that BIOFAT has countless advantages and has gained a lot of popularity compared to other cases is due to the use of advanced devices to perform all the steps.


Steps of performing BIOFAT injection


Now that you are fully acquainted with the benefits of fat injection BIOFAT, it is better to acquaint you with the steps of this wonderful and advanced cosmetic procedure.


To do this level, you need to see a specialist doctor who has the high skills and expertise in this matter before doing anything.

See him to test you so that if there is a problem in your body, your doctor can solve that problem and prepare you completely for the injection. Once the tests are complete and approved by your doctor, it is time to start this extraordinary operation. In the first stage, fat must be removed from areas that have a lot of fat, such as the side of the abdomen below the thigh, as we said in this method, because the device is used, so this stage is passed well with complete success.


Without any particles of damage to the adipose tissue, after this step has been successfully passed, it is necessary to purify the extracted fat, and this is done using ultra-modern equipments. The best devices is used to purify fats are centrifuges, which separate all impurities, including water and blood, from the fat and inject the fat, and finally it is the last step, which is a very sensitive stage. At this stage, the fat that is ready to be injected is injected into the areas that are prone to fat injection and need to be injected, and these areas can be any part of the body that is common. The most commonly used parts for injection are the hands, vagina, under the eyes, lips, cheeks, the forehead and… .

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Why fat injection?

Now that you are familiar with how to do this amazing cosmetic procedure and also with its numerous benefits, you may wonder why we do fat injections by BIOFAT?

Why not using other cosmetic procedures such as gels?

Why do we not use other methods of fat injection?


In answer to this question, you should know that it is true that all the above-mentioned beauty procedures can solve your problems, but the problems are not solved properly and sometimes it will not even have the desired results. In addition, it should be said that in methods such as gel the reason that synthetic materials are used will not be high durability, while in BIOFAT, because only the body fat of the individuals is used, it also has a high durability. It should also be added because in BIOFAT, advanced devices are used the process of performing the operation is shorter and does not require wasting time.

You will see the desired result in the shortest possible time, while in the other operations it is not like this.


How much does a facial fat injection by BIOFAT into the face cost


Now, when you are familiar with this wonderful beauty procedure, you may want to do it, but you may worry about its price and think that its costs are very high.

Here we need to remind one point and that is true.

This method is a cosmetic procedure and extremely advanced operation and modern devices are used, but because during the operation only the body fat of the person is used, so the cost is not high, because neither anesthetics nor harmful chemicals are used, so you should be assured that the cost of this cosmetic procedure is affordable and you will be able to pay for it. In addition to the fact that many beauty clinics use installment plans for people to encourage more persons to do this beauty procedure.

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Fat injection by BIOFAT method is one of the best cosmetic procedures to treat and defect the problems in people, which due to the most advanced technology being used you would see the desired results in the shortest possible time. In addition, it should be said that due to the naturalness of this operation, many people are attracted to it today’s and want to perform this extraordinary cosmetic procedure, so if you have a problem and want to solve that problem, you can use fat injection by BIOFAT method in the best possible way.