About Dr. Meysam Zarghami

About Dr. Meysam Zarghami

He received his general medicine degree in 1999 from Tehran University of Medical Sciences. Then he specialized in general surgery and in 2007 he succeeded in obtaining his specialized degree from Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences. Also in 1394 in the field of beauty and cosmetics from Tehran University of Medical Sciences have completed their specialization course.

Why Do You Choose this Beauty service office?

The highest quality outpatient cosmetic and surgical services and treatment of skin diseases are provided in this complex all days of the week.

Among their activities, I can mention laser injections, Botox and fillers, as well as hair transplants. The main motto of his collection is the beauty and high quality of life of people, as well as full observance of scientific and moral principles and maintaining the complete health and safety of observers.

As it is available on the doctor’s website, many clients to date have expressed their satisfaction with his specialized actions by sending videos and photos, and this is a clear document of perfect work, experience and expertise.

As it is clear from the users’ satisfaction, this collection has excellent experience in cosmetic surgery and gel injection, fat injection and rejuvenation.

One of the advantages of this collection is having strong public relations to respond to clients and provide a variety of services to them. Through the various communication channels that have been placed on the site of this collection, you can ask your questions about the treatment and other points, and you can also contact the collection by phone and make an appointment.

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How Long Does It Take to Heal from a Fat Transfer?

You can also monitor the activity of this experienced and valuable collection through social networks.

Other advantages of this collection compared to other collections providing beauty services, you can use the most advanced devices in the world and also the use of lasers for rejuvenation and beauty.

You should know that this collection currently uses the latest methods available in the field of beauty and fat and gel injections to shape and beautify the skin.



Before taking any action, our consultants are present at the clinic to inform you about the procedure. For fat injection, face-to-face consultation is very important because the necessary tests must be performed before harvesting and injection and the exact area of ​​fat extraction must be determined. The consultant will state your requests in the file. Finally, your doctor will examine all areas of your face and neck and inject any area that needs volume and rejuvenation. Sometimes the amount of remaining fat may be delivered to the individual to keep in certain conditions and the same fat will be used in the next session for repair.

Liposuction Clinic


Liposuction at Dr. Meysam Zarghami Clinic is performed in a completely modern way with advanced equipment and no other traditional methods that used syringes to drain fat are used. The process of this method takes about 3 to 4 hours because the fat must be extracted and the necessary preparation must be done on it. Doctors’ priority is to determine the area of ​​extraction of the abdomen and flanks, but in special cases and conditions, fat is removed from the thigh.

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Best facial fat transfer doctor


Frequently Asked Questions

Below we will answer some questions in your mind, but note that in order to receive a consultation time with a dermatologist and hair reservation and to book the time of fat injection in the best skin and hair clinic in Tehran, please call 021-91007050 or call 09128060902.

If after reading the articles related to fat injection and its methods, advantages and disadvantages, you still feel that there are some questions and topics that occupy your mind, stay tuned. Here are some common questions about fat injections that most people may have answers.

1- Is there a possibility that the two sides of the face are uncoordinated after the transfer of fat?

Usually up to two weeks after the injection, the person may feel asymmetrical due to swelling and bruising. After solving this natural challenge, the problem will be solved and the result will be satisfactory. If the amount of fat injected is more to one side, the massage will solve the problem by the doctor.

2- Is it possible to use cosmetics after injection?

You can use these devices one day after the operation. Of course, when using, you should be careful not to apply pressure or massage on the skin. In general, it is better not to use cosmetics that contain chemical compounds in the first days after fat injection, but after a while, this will not be a problem. However, it should not be forgotten that excessive use of cosmetics has a negative effect on the quality of the skin and the face in general.

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Fat Transfer to Face Side Effects

3- Can belly fat be used for injection in the face for local slimming?

One of the areas for fat removal is the abdomen, but the amount of fat removed is not large enough to flatten this area. Therefore, to treat belly fat, you should use other methods that remove more fat, such as lipomatic. Using the lipomatic method, you can first remove all the excess belly fat to have a smooth surface in this part of the body.

Then some of these fats can be used to inject into different parts of the body. This is actually a combination of two cosmetic procedures, lipomatic and fat injection. An efficient and effective combination that can implement two attractive and heartwarming tasks in a person’s body at the same time. Apart from the abdomen, fat is also removed from other parts such as the thighs and buttocks.

4- Does fat injections cause skin problems?

Incidentally, due to the fact that some stem cells are injected under the skin along with fat, collagen production is stimulated and the skin will be in a better condition. This factor is one of the important advantages of fat transfer over other methods such as gel injection.

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