Fat Transfer to Face Side Effects

Fat Transfer to Face Side Effects

In this article, the side effects of fat injection will be discussed and the ways to eliminate these side effects will be discussed.

Due to the methods and procedures used to inject fat into the face, the patient will not see many side effects during and even after treatment. It can be argued that fat shaping has no specific side effects because it is known by the body; But certainly the changes that occur have a series of short-term effects that are not permanent. For example, pain in the area of ​​fat removal and bruising and swelling in the first days of injection in the area are common complications of this operation. If this is done in unauthorized centers and in a non-standard way, there may be a risk of infection and deformity of the face. These complications are zero in medical clinics and no dangerous complications have been observed in this type of cosmetic procedure so far.

According to the information uploaded in drmeysamzarghami.com, for this reason, our main advice to all people who intend to inject fat on their face is to be very careful and sensitive in choosing their specialist doctor and clinic, and never sacrifice the quality of work in relation to such issues.

Complications of fat injection are divided into two groups: short-term and long-term: in the first few days of treatment is the most common complication of pain and swelling, which in a few days will completely disappear with the use of common analgesics such as acetaminophen, plus the use of cold compresses. Helps reduce pain and swelling in the first 24 hours after injection and complete rest. Rapid absorption of injected fat is another complication of fat injection due to the presence of blood, damaged fat cells and high pressure fat suction. To prevent this complication, centrifugation at a low speed of 3,000 rpm is recommended. This process, by separating blood and excess fat, in addition to reducing swelling after injection, will make the transplanted fat more durable.

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Before & After Facial Fat Transfer

Accumulation of fluid and serum in the fat donor site is another early complication of fat injection. To prevent this complication, anticoagulants, aspirin, aspirin family analgesics (indomethacin, inoprofen, mefenamic acid…) are taken from one week before treatment. They must be cut off. In addition, wearing the gun for 2 weeks prevents the accumulation of fluid in the fat donor area and reduces the size. Fat embolism is another rare complication that can occur if fat is injected with a sharp needle. The use of non-sharp cannulas and non-invasive techniques ensure that large blood vessels are not damaged and the complication is prevented.

Infection is another complication of fat injection, which causes symptoms such as fever, pain, swelling and purulent discharge in the area of ​​fat injection, which can be seen from the third day onwards, observing sterile conditions, using disposable devices and fat transfer. Prevents this complication in a closed system. In the past, a filter was used to separate the fat, which in addition to reducing its shelf life, increased the risk of infection, and closed methods using Leur Lock syringes and separating products by centrifugation prevent the above complications. It seems.

The formation of fat cysts and necrotic masses of adipose tissue is another delayed complication of fat injection, which is caused by excessive injection of fat in a small position and disrupts blood flow to the surrounding tissues and skin, and fat cysts are created in the injection site. . To prevent this complication, injections are performed in different layers and using a syringe, one cc of fat is widely grafted in different layers.

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Fat Transfer to Lips Permanently

Bumps and surface roughness at the treatment site, especially around the eyes and lips, are other side effects of fat injections. To prevent this complication, narrower cannulas are recommended for fat extraction as well as for fat injection. In addition, in areas where the goal of treatment is rejuvenation and does not require much volume, such as under the eyes, it is better to use nano-fat. It rejuvenates and regenerates the tissue, and this process lasts between one to three months, and eventually the skin will be smoother and smoother.

Be Careful about Fat Facial Transfer

Asymmetry due to uneven fat absorption and overfilling of the treatment site is another complication of fat injection, which usually disappears after a week and resolves the swelling, however, if this condition persists for Absorption of excess fat Hypnotherapy will eliminate excess fat.

Many people who are candidates for fat injections are thin and have subcutaneous fat in all parts of the body and their thin face shows little fat tissue in the whole body. In these people, it is difficult to find the right adipose tissue for fat injection, and if the abdomen or thighs cannot be used to remove fat, the flanks are used for this purpose. The second negative point in the fat injection method is that it is time consuming and the injection materials must be taken from the person’s body and ready for injection, which takes an average of 3 hours per fat injection session.

The next item is the price of fat injection, which is more than gel injection compared to gel injection in small volumes, such as one or two milliliters. However, due to its long shelf life, this method is more suitable and cost-effective than long-term annual gel injections.

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Day to Day Fat Transfer to Face Recovery Time

What effect does weight gain or loss have on fat injection?

Some weight gain or loss before fat injection is not a problem, but people who have had significant weight gain or loss shortly before the procedure may not find it appropriate to do so. Stability in weight is one of the most important prerequisites for fat removal and injection.

In drmeysamzarghami.com, you can get more information about fat facial transfer and its side effects.